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Friday, June 1, 2012

Weapons to Deal With Difficulties

In business, sometimes successfully, but sometimes experience decrease or difficulty. When this is usually decreased in be difficult for us. I was given the advice in this position for be patient. The word easy to say, but hard to do. From my experience, are still learning the patient, the position of a floundering company, if be patient, suddenly a bright idea came. Where it came from, I also do not know, but so menluncur such spheres as snow or cold lava that came from top of the mountain. Patience is the ability to refrain from doing things that contrary to God, from the patient to avoid actions that led to disobedience, in obedience to God's patience, patience in the face of adversity and disasters and impatient when it comes to success. In order to be patient in the face of adversity and misfortune are closer to God by pray. I am not an expert in prayer. I just pray the learning phase.

The meaning of prayer is to call or invite or request. God commanded us to pray and those who do not want to pray is people who boasted and threatened by the Lord to Hell, as mentioned in verse 60 of Surat al-Mu'min: And your Lord says:"Pray to Me, I will answer you. Behold The people who boasted of worship Me will enter Hell in a state of abject. "The Prophet also prayed a lot. From Anas, he said, "Most of the prayers of the Prophet. s.a.w. is, 'Rabbanaa aatinnaa fiddunyaa hasanah, wafil aakhirati hasanah, waqinaa 'adzaabannaar (O our Lord, give us good in the world and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the torment of Hell).

According Iyadh, "he said a lot of prayer because it covers all bernenaan meaning of prayer with the business world and the hereafter. Al Hasanah (good) mentioned here he is a delight. So he begged pleasures of the world and the hereafter as well as protection from the punishment of hell. "Meanwhile, according to Ibn Kathir, good in the world covering all the demands of the world, in the form of health care, home a roomy, good wife, a dutiful son, a vast fortune, useful knowledge, good deeds, a comfortable vehicle, good compliments and so on are covered by their expressions. These include good in the world. While good in the Hereafter, which is the highest heaven and the accompanying, namely sense of security from the doomsday virulence, and the reckoning facilitated matters other hereafter. The pangs of the punishment of hell is facilitated why while in the world, which is kept away from things that are haram and dubious. Prayer is a powerful weapon to deal with adversity.

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