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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Instruct WITH OUR GOOD AND true

Position is a mandate that must be accounted for, both in this world and the Hereafter. Nevertheless, today many positions up for grabs in every way. When I heard the rumor that the Caliph Sulaiman called penggatinya candidate is Omar bin Abdul Aziz, the Minister Umar came to trust the Caliph Sulaiman called Raja 'ibn Haiwah. Umar asked to convey to the Caliph, that he did not like it and when the Caliph did not mention his name, so that the King 'do not remind her name to the Caliph. He now is engrossed in building itself to be a godly man, he was diligent worship, coming in close to God. He wanted to talk more with God than talking to human beings. He did not want to be bothered with the bustle-bustle world of mortals. King 'answer: "Do you think that your name will be listed as a substitute for the family of Abdul Malik?. I do not think that you will be prejudiced like that. " In answer to the King 'the heart' Umar bin Abdul Aziz to be relieved.

On the day of Caliph Abdul Malik bin Sulaiman died, people gathered along with state dignitaries at the mosque. That's where the Caliph opened a will which is still secret. No man who knows what name listed in the will, except one only, namely Raja 'ibn Haiwah own. Minister rose arose reliable forward and opened the will then announce the name of Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Heard the name that appears, then the whole hadirinpun simultaneously express their consent. But Umar bin Abdul Aziz were present in the crowded circle of people was shocked by lightning like in broad daylight AN Firdaus said, he also deceived by the cunning of the King 'and he said wa Inna Inna Lillahi Raji'un divine, like people who get a disaster, not like a person receiving such grace or who are grateful. Then Umar said: "By Allah, this is by no means the request either in secret or openly." He did not back away from a great position and then he ascended the pulpit and told the audience: "O mankind! I have been burdened with the job this without asking my opinion first, nor the request itself, nor the Muslim consensus. And indeed I was now freed from the Brethren baiat which lies on the shoulders of brothers to me, choose who you like for you all to be free. "
With so 'Umar bin Abdul Aziz tried to practice democratic deliberation in Islam with the changing practices during the Bani Umayyad rule, since the Age of Mu'awiah ibn Abu Sufyan's democracy has been violated. But the crowd had shouted in unison said, "We have chosen thee, O Commander of the Faithful and we have been willing to judge you. Perintahlah us well and blessed ".

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