Lijit Ad Wijit


Thursday, April 8, 2010


Unfortunate fall like a body full of dirt. Rise again and sweep the dust from our bodies are full of dirt and start from scratch again we have to do. But the wisdom of such a conflict with the existing culture at the company today. Not allowed to make mistakes, does not exceed the agreed budget is tight and should not be less than achieving defined targets. If the target is not met then no bonus. Currently there are no companies that provide bonuses to the error. Because of the company, the work ethic that I have is if you make a mistake, you will get penalties. This is one of the main reasons for the spread of the atmosphere of fear that dominates the corporate culture, wrote the Zohar and Marshall in Spiritual Capital.

Deeper again, taking advantage of the misfortunes demanding recognition of a tragic fact that not all problems have solutions, not all differences can be reconciled, even so, we must be able tp walk maju.Pengakuan this kind provide a deep wisdom and maturity, a feeling that my had made peace with life, or at least feeling that I have contributed a great resistance to life. In turn, faced with tragedy or failure of light will help to build a fundamental belief in life and therefore help improve the ability to live with uncertainty.

Conversely those who can not use a positive misfortune usually teperosok into self-pity, feeling victimized, or blaming others. Companies like searching for scapegoats to blame or be fired to show this phenomenon. Inability to accept failure or suffering will lead to feelings of despair and defeat. This is all causing further damage in the form of a permanent defense and cynicism, rather than cause improvement. This can lead to over and over she repeated the same mistake.

Misfortune can be modified with true success as practiced by the Prophet Moses, when called by God to Mount Mount: "O Lord, which of the places in heaven the most you like?". He said: "O Moses, Hazhiratul Qudsi." Then Moses asked: "O Lord, who lives there?". Allah says "Those people who experience misfortune." "O God please specify their nature to me" Moses request. God said "O Moses, they are people who, when stricken trials, they are patient, whereas if they are unfortunate and they say we are indeed belongs to God and whom we come back. They are the people who live in Hazhiratul Qudsi (Ar-Raudhah).

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