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Friday, April 2, 2010

Be the First

JACK Trout in his book Trout On Strategy, one of the core of the strategy is to be different. Be first, attribute mastery, leadership, weapons, how products are made, and events. If not, then a low price.
Michael Dell decided to sell PCs in a different way, namely to become the first to sell PCs directly to consumers and assemble orders. Michael Dell does not sell PCs to the distributor. Now, everyone in this industry is trying to imitate Dell's strategy, but it was too late. "When there's only you and your customers, you actually have started a relationship with customers" said Michael Dell.
Harvard was the first university in America and is currently regarded as a prestigious university in the world, especially in the field of business. Harvard Business School was founded in 1908 and the first time mewisuda master's degree in management in 1910. Harvard Business School is the first business schools require a college degree to enter the management program. To maintain its leadership at Harvard Business School launched the Harvard Business Review, which is a milestone publishing. For more than 75 years of The Harvard Business Review has been influential in shaping the world of management thinking.
Reliable strategy for competing is to become the first in the product category you enter. Band Aid is the first bandage wounds. Charles Schwab is a discount brokerage firm shares with the first. CNN, the first cable TV network. Compaq, a portable PC pertma. Domino's, among the first pizza shop. ESPN, the sports cable TV network first. Gore-Tex waterproof fabric first. Hewlett-Packard is producing the first desktop laser printer. Intel's first microprocessor. Jell-O gelatin dessert first. Kentucky Fried Chicken, fried chicken restaurant first. Q-Tips, cotton swabs first. Reynolds Wrap, aluminum foil first. Rollerblate, skates first.
In Yogyakarta, you can also know the Indonesian Islamic University (UII) as the first university in Yogyakara. STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta as a place to tie one of the first lecture. Al-Fath first Muslim fashion store. Karita clothing store for teens that the first Muslim. Primagama a test counseling program received the first guarantees. Retjo Tank is the first private radio. Geronimo is a private radio for the first teenagers. Being the first is one of a powerful competitive strategy

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