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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Offline Advertising - How To Do It Correctly (Advertising And Marketing For The Busy Entrepreneur)

Have you ever tried your hand at advertising in newspapers and magazines and failed miserably? If you can't put your finger on the reasons why your book failed then "Offline Advertising: How To Do It Correctly" will seem like a breath of fresh air.

Originally compiled as a successful training manual for offline businesses it has helped numerous "real life" companies grow through the development of planned marketing campaigns.

"Offline Advertising: How To Do It Correctly" covers the following topics:

1: Headings

2: Body text & hooks to tempt your customer

3: How to get advertising space one third the price that your competitors pay

4: ‘Rate card’, and why you should NEVER pay it!

5: What goes on in a ‘normal’ newspaper sales office

6: How to buy space at really really cheap prices

7: Where NOT to buy advertising space

8: Why small circulation magazines offer such a bad deal

9: How to deal with telephone sales people

10: Where you SHOULD advertise

11: How to test your adverts cheaply

12: How advertising space is sold

13: Color supplements

14: Classifieds versus display

15: How to place an advert

16: Why the ‘middle management’ adverts fail

17: Why ‘readers offer’ adverts work so well

18: The secret of success

19: How to advertise (in-depth)

20: Typefaces and graphics

21: Copycats

22: Colors

23: 10 Rules For Creating Killer Adverts

24: Other Ways To Advertise Offline

Whether you are a new start-up, sole business owner, marketer or an established company you will find this a mouth-watering read. Once you understand how advertising really happens in the offline world your eyes will be opened up to possibilities you never imagined.

You will know what to say when you call to place your advertisement so that you don't pay full price for your advertising (and this is a key point to the strategy outlined).

You will find out what the best time of the day is to get the most profitable adverts - advertising just a few hours outside of this time can make or break your advertising campaign.

You will learn creative writing tips that help you cook up an exciting advert that literally encourages the reader to find out more. The first few seconds a customer reads your advert are the most important ones.

You will discover how to make life easy for your customer, so that your advert literally begs them to take action, and makes it easy for them to do so. If you forget a few things when placing your "ad" the customer can (and most probably will) discard your advert.

You will be able to apply many of these ideas to your other advertising channels and improve your response rates accordingly. The difference between success and failure (and losing a lot of money in the learning process) can literally fall down to a few key choices you make.

For less than the cost of a fast food restaurant meal you can learn all you need to know and begin to put in place changes that will turn your advertising into a success story.

If you already advertise or are planning to advertise offline then this really is an essential read. Why take the risk? Advertising offline involves real physical costs and planning so you can't afford too many "mistakes" before you throw in the towel. Once your advertising budget has been blown then that will be it.

For anyone serious about their advertising then a small investment in learning this stuff will pay off with handsome dividends. If you are about to place an offline advertisement then invest in your future. "Offline Advertising - How To Do It Correctly" should really be an integral part of your strategy.

You now have two choices.

You could simply go and buy that fast food restaurant meal and hope that your ad works or you could grab this book and apply the strategies to your next advert. Offline advertising can be exorbitantly expensive so why take the risk when real money is involved.

Price:Kindle Edition

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