Lijit Ad Wijit


Friday, June 18, 2010


Be thankful to God, if you have parents who can provide capital or other capital money to you to start a business. Most of the conglomerates we provide capital to their children before the children start a business. There he was told to find or buy palm oil to forests or to villages with a truck carrying palm. They were given capital, how to love her grief for palm oil and how to manage their people down, builders makers palm or unskilled laborers. How to negotiate with the owners of oil palm. After his son graduated from this education, which provided further capital is schooled in the business school. After graduating, then followed the next capital, in the form of the company. He was told to become Director of one of his companies.

There is also, these conglomerates dimodali with children ordered to sell newspapers. And selling newspaper conglomerates child can understand the value for money. To find the money was not easy. After graduating first in capital to manage it, given limited capital to be able to complete college and after graduation was asked to lead the new company. Ways like that that be done by successful entrepreneurs.

Kiichiro Toyoda was given by his father's capital in the form of automotive education. After graduation, given the new weaving company called Toyoda Spinning & Weaving Company. Then, he decided to change the company's woven into the company car and changed its name from Toyoda to Toyota, to make it more easy to say and easy to remember.
One of my neighbors called Pak Broto, told me that he'd just give her son capital. My neighbor's child is mumbuka fried chicken franchise business. "The locations chosen by my children were near the campus of the Indonesian Islamic University, Jalan Kaliurang Km. 12. Currently my son Yanto income each month to reach Rp. 3 million, the net revenue, have cut employees' salaries and capital repayment to me. I accidentally ordered to repay the capital that I have given to educate Pak Yanto "said Pak Broto with pride. "Mr incredible educate you as the entrepreneur's son. Acungi my thumb and coated, let alone Mr requested capital used should be accounted for or repaid "I said. "I do not often watch the show Yanto Business Confidential RBTV and Yanto used to read the writings on the KR" he said eagerly. "Thank you very much, if Pak Broto follow my thinking pattern" I said. I am sure these will appear in Yogyakarta, Pak-Pak Broto Broto others who can educate her son become an entrepreneur.

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