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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Power of Goal Setting

STUDY of the graduates of Yale University in 1953 using the interview asked whether they have clear goals, specific, written with a plan to achieve it.

Only 3% had written goals. Twenty years later in 1973, researchers re-interviewed survivors of the 1953 graduates. They found that 3% had written goals were far richer than the combined 97% of the rest.

The researchers also measured by subjective happiness and their joy, it turns out that 3% with written goals are more superior than the 97% who did not write the targets. Steven Spielberg also wrote "Steven Spielberg. Director (Director) "in a trailer that is not used in Universal Studio. Currently Steven Spielberg, as a world-renowned director.

My personal experience taught me that writing goals to motivate yourself to achieve that goal. I once wrote my name with "Prof Dr M Suyanto MA." Writing is my look that makes me smile sheepishly. As such it is not possible I can achieve that long title.

Steps should I take just wanted to be like my uncle MSc Drs Mohammad Kamal, who became a lecturer and have a degree of Drs, MSc. But I am living in the village Banjarsari located in the valley of Mount Wilis such will not be possible. But the chances started to appear with my uncle took me to Yogyakarta Sutarjo to change schools from one SMA SMA 2 Madiun to Yogyakarta, when the second grade. My uncle said that I should be studying at UGM. I had to leave my grandmother who had raised me since the age of 3 years. I can only kiss her grandmother and crying, so my grandmother was also really can not bear to see me.

Actually I want to take care of my grandmother until he was called to God. I pursue a career in Yogya as a book salesman, car salesmen lustres materials, telephone and telex salesman computer salesmen, so as if the ideals which I write is very much distorted. Especially me then as a businessman, not as a professor or a scientist.

Although I am a businessman, said that once I write it always appears in my head without knowing it. I still have aspirations someday be a professor or a scientist. The ideals that I became stronger as Teachers in junior and senior high school Muhammadiyah Bantul Poor. When this does not feel, words that I wrote it was close enough for me to achieve.

I pray God hopefully allow for a degree is two years away, if it is good for me. But if God willed the other, it's probably best for me. I will just say that by writing what we want can generate tremendous power. If we write that we are accompanied by prayer and hard work, God willing, what we want it we can achieve

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