Stress Free Web Traffic: Ten Simple Strategies to Get More Targeted Traffic to Your Website or Blog
If you want more traffic - more quality visitors - to find your website, then this book is for you.
If you ever say, “I have a great business, and a great looking website. I just need more people to know about me...” then this book is for you.
If you are just starting out and want to know how people can find you online then this book is for you.
If you have a website - whether for your business or your community, you're probably not taking advantage of all the ways - and easy ways - that you can bring more people to your site and spread the word about what you do.
If you have a business then it is essential that you know how new customers can find you - customers who are looking for what you offer.
This book is a straightforward, non-technical guide to walk you through ten simple strategies for getting more traffic to your website or blog.
Ten easy to implement strategies. Strategies that don’t need you to understand meta tags or php or html or have a degree in computer programming!
Just simple ways to get more targeted traffic by doing things that you, as a business owner with a website, can do quickly and easily.
If you’re a small business owner, coach, consultant, expert, professional, blogger, online business owner, an information marketer, or any kind of solo-preneur, or even a non-profit organisation with a website or blog – then this is for you.
One of the most common questions I get is about traffic. How to get more of it. Why isn’t my website showing up in Google? But as soon as we go looking for answers it becomes very complex and confusing.
This book is for the non-technical expert. For the business owner or entrepreneur, or professional who wants to get the best out of their website, get more traffic, just by doing things they know how to do.
In this book, I demystify how you too can get tens, hundreds and even thousands more visitors to your site every day. I explain it in straightforward language and to present you with ten simple strategies to bring you more traffic to grow your business. Because, at the end of the day, it isn’t about the traffic – it’s about the impact of that website traffic on your business or on your organisation.
Inside this book, you’re going to learn how to bring more visitors to your website. But not just any visitors. You need highly qualified visitors, highly targeted traffic.
What does this mean? This means people who are looking for what you have to offer them – your ideal clients, your tribe or community, your potential partners and people who will promote you. You need to be in the right places so that the people you want to connect with can find you.
You’ll learn how to use solid, tried and tested methods to give you more of that quality traffic. And you can do this by doing things that you already like to do and know how to do – but you need to know how to do them so that they add value to your traffic flow.
You might have heard of some of the strategies, but you’re not applying them, or you rejected them because they sound too complicated.
I’ve broken down my best ideas into this simple 'how-to' guide. I walk you through exactly how to get going, and why, and what you must avoid along the way.
There are no tricks or gimmicks in this book. Just easy to implement ways to get more traffic so that you can get started right away.
And don’t do them all. Pick one or two, or three at the most. Decide how you can get started right away and just go for it. You’ll see your visitor numbers growing day by day. And as you get one strategy working for you, then simply layer on another. It’s all cumulative.
Get this book, read it, pick your favourite strategy and, above all, apply it. You’ll finally start to get ahead of everyone else, stop struggling and bring more loyal customers into your business
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