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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Learning From the Banana Tree

Banana trees are God's creation of plants that are beneficial to humans. Banana tree grown in tropical regions such as Asia, Australia, Africa and AmericaPhilosophy of banana trees used by PT Gobel Dharma Nusantara to mobilize its human resources to be able to compete with other companies. Companies that berpatungan with this company Matsushita Panasonic products are able to export.
This philosophy found by the founder of PT. Gobel Dharma Nusantara, Thayeb Mohammad Gobel in 1954.

Learning From Ants and Leaf Lice

Type ant and some aphids have a symbiotic relationship called. In symbiosis, different animal species help each other. Aphids are small insects that move slowly, live plants and feed on nectar
Nectar is sucked from the tree trunk with a sharp mouth and long. When ingested, nectar turned into a sweet substance called honey dew. This material was then issued by the lice through organs called kornikula. This honey dew favorite food of red ants, which eat as much as they can be produced by the aphids. With cattle aphids, ants have a backup that is always readily available.


Organizations must make changes to adjust to the competitive environment. Changes to do with about making something else. Technology, competition, economic shocks, social change, the labor force and world politics is a force driving change. Advanced information technology can change the way competitive, thus increasing the company's competitive advantage. Yet the CEO of Unilever, Floris A. Maljers says "the biggest obstacle companies face in the face of globalization is the limited human resources, not lack of capital".

Learning From the Water

Matsushita is one of the world's best companies with the philosophy of running water. Water flow can fertilize the soil around the plants grow and bear fruit for the benefit of mankind. For Matsushita, the philosophy is needed to serve the public or the consumer and improve human welfare in general by making goods that the highest berkuatas the lowest possible cost. Benefit is the first philosophy of human resources at Matsushita. Goethe said that "life is useless death came early".

Transparent and clear water typical of an unspoiled, which symbolizes the heart clarity, honesty and fairness. Clarity, fairness and justice is a philosophy both from Matsushita.

Success Secrets

After building the Kaaba is damaged, repair as high as people stood, it was her turn to put the Black Stone is purified in its place in the eastern corner, there arose a dispute among the Quraish, who should have had the honor of putting the stone in place. So mounting the argument that almost all civil wars arise because of it. Family Abd'd Dar and his family 'Adi agreed tribes will not allow any interference in this great honor. For that they take an oath together. Dar Abd'd family carrying a tray of blood. Put their hands into the tray in order to strengthen their oaths. Since then named La'aqat'd-Damm, which means licking the blood.


Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975 paved the Microsoft. The company when it was still small, but have a dream "A computer on every desk in every home, running Microsoft device". Microsoft creates operating systems MS-DOS, and then make Windows (windows) that are found in almost every home and office. Finally, it has been proven, the Windows operating system controlled 80% of the operating system world. To reach these dreams. Microsoft just hire smart people and then formed small teams to work on creative projects within a certain time. Every individual has a role in accordance with the knowledge and skills of each. Each unit in this company doing the work with a relatively similar pattern, namely a working team which is relatively small and together to complete the task successfully.

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